Fast forward to 2020, we no longer have the SNES in circulation (although retro-gamers and collectors might still have it). Nintendo’s latest console is the Nintendo Switch. However, this doesn’t mean that we have to say goodbye to SNES forever. There are always emulators to save the day. Additionally, Nintendo has been re-introducing old NES and SNES games to its Nintendo Switch Online service.  With the online service, you can finally play this games on Switch to your heart’s content. Although, keep in mind that Nintendo hasn’t added all the games to the online service. Nevertheless, it’s no reason to fret since they added many games to play and are still adding more. Just recently they announced additional SNES games for May 2020. Don’t know where to start?  

Here’s A List of The 15 Best SNES Games for 2020

The storyline follows a boy who ventures on a historical quest. It’s not linear either, with 13 possible endings to the storyline. With marvelous pacing and action-packed gameplay, Chrono Trigger has stood the test of time and stands alongside many classics.  The story follows four kids out to save the world, which seems lighthearted at first glance. However, as the story progresses, you’ll get subtle tones of dark, complex topics like abandonment, the difficulties of maturity, etc. Don’t mistake it for being a dark, gritty game, though. It’s portrayed in the most subtle and lighthearted way. Fast forward to today and it’s no doubt Final Fantasy is a widely known, well-respected title. The characters of the fantasy RPG have stood the test of time and so have the mechanics. Final Fantasy IV introduced many long-standing gameplay mechanics for the first time. Things like allowing multiple playable characters and the Active Time Battle System.  The story follows Cecil, a dark knight who was separated from his friend Kain, the Dragoon (Dragon Knight). As the game progresses, the two are pitted against one another. It also adds an ensemble of characters like Palom and Porom, Rosa, and Rydia. The aim of the game is to save the world from Golbez, the game’s antagonist.  In terms of narrative, Final Fantasy VI has one of the most mature themes in SNES games. Each of the 14 characters (all playable) have their own storyline that all interconnect. The game also adds many side characters playing defining roles within not just this title but the whole series. One of the most notable characters in the game is Kefka, whose sadism strikingly burns himself into the mind of the player.  Final Fantasy VI is truly one of the best SNES games. It’s even played a role in pushing for RPG games to become widespread in the US. The game certainly isn’t something you should miss out on the next time you play SNES games. As you play Mega Man X, you’re met with gameplay that’s fast-paced and tense. Couple it with some loud rock music and you’re sure to get your adrenaline pumping. The game also offers challenges for the player to hone their skills as you’re met with difficult bosses. These include the Chill Penguin and the Sting Chameleon who are undoubtedly hard to beat when you’re unskilled.  Apart from its open world, Secret of Mana introduces engaging battle systems to spice up your gameplay. It features real-time battles and allows for timed attacks so you have to evade and attack at the right time.  The game is a full-fledged RPG complete with weapons, multiple characters, and a beautifully designed pixel-art world. What’s more unique to the Secret of Mana is its co-op mode, which isn’t very common in RPGs. As you progress through the game, you’ll encounter varying difficulty levels. There are branching paths that you can revisit later on and the gameplay is astounding for its time. Star Fox was a success both commercially and critically and became a mainstay in Nintendo games. If you have time, you should definitely give it a try.  Today, we already have the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe but playing the original game still has a certain flavor. It doesn’t have the best graphics out there. However, it’s still a well-made game for what it offers. Super Mario Kart was the one that launched one of the best franchises for co-op gaming. Take a trip down memory lane (literally) as you play the very first Mario Kart on the SNES Switch.  If you’re a big Mario fan, then you have to play Super Mario RPG. It’s the foundation for recently released Mario RPGs like Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi. The game was also the first to allow Mario to work with Bowser, his greatest enemy. While it may seem like a normal occurrence today, it was innovative back then and the fans were appalled. Even though it isn’t as character or story-heavy, it’s still every bit of fun as other Mario RPGs.  Super Mario World introduced not only a wider color palette and better controls but also non-linear gameplay. Nintendo took the risk and played with new kinds of mechanics. It was the first to introduce secrets in-game that took you to shortcuts. These shortcuts not only eased your playthrough but sped it up rapidly.  Super Mario World also introduced others that have become a staple in the series such as collectibles. Only a skilled player well-versed in the game and its controls could collect these items. It’s also immensely more satisfying for completionists once they collect everything in the game. To top it off, the game has 96 different levels. If you’re bored, definitely check it out on the Switch or with a Super Mario World ROM.  Instead of focusing on Mario like the previous game, Yoshi’s island focused on Mario’s “car”: Yoshi the dinosaur. The goal of the game is to protect baby Mario (yes, Mario in diapers) from the island’s enemies. Yoshi’s island gave Yoshi added never-before-seen abilities like eating enemies and turning them into egg bullets. Nintendo also intentionally differentiated this game by giving it a softer, more pastel color palette compared to Super Mario World. It’s truly a fantastic sequel that can stand on its own two feet with a unique identity. With Super Metroid, the developers created everything deliberately. Most games rely on action or puzzle-solving to make their games interesting while telling the story via exposition. That’s something even today’s games struggle to balance. However, Super Metroid seamlessly mends gameplay with its story in a breathtaking way. More often than not, you’ll feel like you’re not mindlessly grinding to progress within the game.  Of course, what would a game be without a well-built world and well-defined gameplay controls? Super Metroid has all that covered, too. With perfect storytelling and gameplay mechanics, Super Metroid stands the test of time. Apart from the story, the series also has an immense focus on open-world exploration unmatched by other titles. Most of the series will give you a sense of freedom as you explore Hyrule with childlike wonder and curiosity. This curiosity is even rewarded with in-game secrets and discoveries. The best part of this SNES Zelda is certainly the adventure coupled with some action and clever puzzles and dungeons.  This game also adds many twists to the story, making some of its features long-standing in other Zelda titles. Things like the Dark World, the Sages, and other common Zelda tropes began here. Not only is it an important game to the SNES but to the Zelda franchise as a whole.  

Final Word

Modern-day games are certainly more graphically intensive and complex. However, going back to the roots of some of those video games is certainly refreshing. Not only are they a treat to experience, but they also enrich your understanding of current franchises and games.

15 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 6115 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 5915 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 3515 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 3815 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 3915 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 4715 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 3515 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 115 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 3515 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 515 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 8515 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 9115 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 8515 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 1515 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 5615 Best SNES Games That You Cannot Miss - 89